OGUK’s landmark report sets baseline to drive greater diversity and inclusion

A landmark report published today, Tuesday 20 April, sets a baseline for Diversity and Inclusion in the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry for the first time.

The report, titled Building a Baseline: OGUK Diversity & Inclusion Survey, is produced by OGUK’s Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Task Group, in partnership with Robert Gordon University (RGU). It is shaped by responses from more than 1,600 people from over 23 disciplines and over 100 organisations and provides powerful insight on industry’s key challenges.

Key findings of the report include:

  • of respondents rated the diversity and inclusion culture in their organisation as strong or very strong.
  • felt focus on diversity and inclusion in their organisation had improved in the last few years.
  • saw the importance of diversity and inclusion increase due to COVID-19.
  • regarded the D&I culture in their organisation as weak or felt there is no D&I culture at all.

With the survey data, the Task Group has been able to identify five focus areas that can drive progress on the industry’s diversity and inclusion journey over the next 12-18 months:

Importantly, the report sets out a new UK Continental Shelf D&I Index, which comprises the average D&I score from around 50 core questions in the survey, setting the baseline from which to measure progress. The Index reflects the level of industry maturity in key areas, such as belonging, openness, respect, career, opportunities, organisation, culture, leadership, impact and flexibility. The 2020 UKCS D&I index is 7.1 on a 10-point scale.

Commenting on the report findings, OGUK’s Chief Executive Deirdre Michie OBE said:

“Unlocking a diverse and inclusive workforce is critical to our success and we are proud to launch our first ever dedicated survey report today. It shines a light on what the people in our industry think about progress to date and provides a strong foundation from which to build lasting change.

“As the report shows, the 2020 UKCS D&I Index is currently at 7.1. Whilst this is a positive figure, we recognise that people’s own experiences and perceptions will vary and that there is still much to do if we are to form a truly inclusive and equal sector”.

“This is an important milestone following on from the formation of OGUK’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Group. I’d like to thank the group, led by Craig Shanaghey, for its dedication, skill and commitment. These findings are crucial as we continue our transition to a more inclusive and diverse industry, which is a key part of the recently agreed North Sea Transition Deal.”

Commenting on the report findings, D&I Task Group Chair and President of Operations at Wood, Craig Shanaghey said:

“To have this data and this baseline for our industry means that we now have a much clearer and deeper understanding of our collective D&I performance, and a more comprehensive and documented insight into the experience and sentiment of minority groups in our sector.

“What we haven’t had before, we now do. We are now armed with information that we cannot ignore, and we have the opportunity to really drive a step-change in the diversity and inclusivity of our sector – not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it is proven to drive better business performance and it is critical if our industry is to realise its potential as a key enabler of the energy transition.

“My real ask of industry is to grab this opportunity – let’s use this to drive a step-change in how we attract and retain diverse talent and in how we create an equitable environment that ensures we unlock the potential of everyone within it. It’s time to take action.”

Commenting on the findings, the report’s author, Professor Paul de Leeuw from Robert Gordon University (RGU), said:

“To ensure the industry is set up for success as part of the energy transition, we need to unlock all the talent in the sector as well as be able to attract new skills and capabilities. This landmark report provides a unique insight into the D&I performance of the UK’s oil and gas industry and establishes a transparent baseline for the future.

“Based on the survey results, the overall diversity and inclusion score for the industry is 7.1 out of 10. However, the underlying data shows that there are real gaps in terms of diversity and inclusion for a number of different communities and minority groups in the sector. To address these gaps and improve the overall diversity and inclusion, the next steps industry must take become all the more important.

“This report highlights the key areas of focus and should be a real catalyst for change”.


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